Forgive Us Our Trespasses Reviews 3

DECIBEL - 8/10 review (November issue) "Transcendentally rich."

DECOY MUSIC - 3.5/4 online eview - "A Storm of Light have tightened the sound hinted at on their debut, offering an epic monolith of a record, rich in gloom, power, and textural layering. They are a bright spark in the darkness of doom metal, and their multitude of artistic integrity and vision will certainly lead to a devout followinG..."

MONTREAL MIRROR - 8.5/10 review - "Epic, sorrowful, cataclysmic and panoramic..."

TEETHOFTHEDEVINE.COM - online review- "After spending most of 2009 listening to decent-to-good-bordering-on-pretty-great albums, desperately awaiting something undeniably transcendent to cross my path, my prayers have been answered, loudly, by this ceaselessly creative, ultimately heavy and poignantly, almost overwhelmingly emotional release, an essential release in every sense of the word."

THEOBELISK.NET -- online review- "The overall tone is oppressively heavy and where the shifts between ambient and crushing were predictable and unsatisfying on And We Wept the Black Ocean Within, here they’re blended together for a new brand of musical heft that sets A Storm of Light apart..."

More Reviews

UNCUT - 3/5 review (November issue) "You find in its low-end judder and

epic portentousness a formidable excavation of deeper truths about the


BIG CHEESE - 5/5 review (Nov issue) "A ten-track emotion churning

exercise in sonic manipulation that soothes as much as it induces goose

bumps. From the opening swell of Alpha Law Of Nature Pt 1 through to the

chiming The Light In Their Eyes and the punishing double whammy of

Midnight and Across The Wilderness, A Storm Of Light have made a record

crying out to be heard."

**MASS MOVEMENT - review (w/c 19 Oct) " An aural panorama as beautiful

and apocalyptic as the artwork which accompanies this second release

from A Storm of Light. Crushingly heavy guitars and tortured vocals

segue into doleful strings, perfectly evoking this tale of devastation

and rebirth. The spoken words of the legendary Lydia Lunch flawlessly

capture the tone and intent of the music. Fans of Neurosis, the

prophetic warnings of Rachel Carsen’s ‘Silent Spring’ and Genet/Neurot

recordings in general will fully appreciate this release. Essential


EXPERIMUSIC - 8/10 review (w/c 12/10/09) "A Storm of Light not only

deliver on the promises of ‘And We Wept the Black Ocean Within’ but have

elevated themselves far above their expectations; one of the finest

releases of heavy music this year."


Tomorrow night we are playing at Ace of Clubs with Goes Cube and Biclops at Ace of Clubs. Admission is FREE. Doors are at 7:00. more info at: