ROCKSOUND - 8/10 review (Nov issue) "Astounding, yet chilling."
ROCKSOUND - Damnation live preview (Nov issue) "A thundering sonic combustion of hurricane proportions."
KERRANG - 3/4 review (19 Sept) "This is focused on song-craft and what unfolds is a majestically epic and intimidating soundscape. A haunting, bleak and impressive record."
ROCK A ROLLA - Oct/Nov issue) "A resounding triumph."
ZERO TOLERANCE - ONE PAGE FEATURE (Oct/Nov issue) "A powerful trio thoughtfully exploring a wide plateau of styles... whose power and oppression is derived from a newfound sense of direction.
SUBBA CULTCHA - review (21/09/09) "This time round the riffs seem even more titanic, the grooves even more grinding, and the arrangements more ambitious and spacious...this record is more than simply a worthy successor to their debut. With "Forgive...", A Storm Of Light have transcended the "side project" tab and become something very special indeed."
METAL REVIEWS - review (21/09/09) "Starting with intense percussion and gradually building melodically until before you know it the Doom riffage is in the driving seat and the melancholic beast is striding slowly towards the sunset."
METAL IRELAND - 4.5/5 review and ALBUM OF THE MONTH(21/09/09) "It’s refreshing to hear something that is totally rooted in the band’s sound and aesthetic while moving it on substantially. It’s a fantastically open album that at the same time is utterly punishing at it’s most focused moments. It demands to be spun again and again, both for its accessibility and its slow burn."